International Branch Campuses and Offshore Education Centers In GIFT City, IFSC

Global Overview:
The Islamic world saw the establishment of numerous madrasas, centers of learning that provided education in various fields such as science, mathematics, and philosophy. The Industrial Revolution prompted the need for a more structured and standardized education system to meet the demands of an industrialized society. The latter half of the 20th century saw the integration of technology into education, with the advent of computers and the internet
The 21st century has seen a surge in online education, with the development of massive open online courses (MOOCs) and digital learning platforms. Education has become increasingly globalized, with students studying in institutions around the world, and international collaborations becoming more common.
Educational history in India:
Education in ancient India was primarily imparted through the Gurukul system, where students lived with their teachers (gurus) in ashrams. The curriculum included subjects like philosophy, literature, warfare, medicine, and more. The British East India Company and later the British Crown significantly influenced the Indian education system. The English education policy, initiated by Thomas Babington Macaulay, aimed to create a class of Indians who would be “Indian in blood and color but English in taste, in opinion, in morals, and in intellect.
The Constitution of India, adopted in 1950, included provisions for free and compulsory education for children aged 6 to 14 under Article 45. The 21st century has seen efforts to integrate technology into education, with initiatives like the National e-Governance Plan for Education. There is a growing emphasis on skill development and vocational education to address the needs of the evolving job market.
International Branch Campuses and Offshore Education Centers In IFSC:
1. define the word “Foreign Educational Institution” “ Foreign University” “International Branch Campus” & “Offshore Education Centre”
“Foreign Educational Institution” shall mean an education institution outside India, which is not a university, and is duly authorized to offer courses including research programmes in the permissible subject areas, within and outside its home jurisdiction;
“Foreign University” shall mean a university established outside India which is duly accredited to award degree for courses including research programmes in the permissible subject areas, within and outside its home jurisdiction;
“International Branch Campus” or “IBC” shall mean a campus set up as a branch by a Foreign University on stand-alone basis, or in such other form as may be permitted by the Authority in the GIFT IFSC for the purpose of delivering courses including research programmes in the permissible subject areas, that are duly accredited under the relevant framework in their respective home jurisdiction, and is registered with the Authority;
“Offshore Education Centre” or “OEC” shall mean a Centre set up as a branch by a Foreign Educational Institution (other than a Foreign University) in the GIFT IFSC on stand-alone basis or in such other form as may be permitted by the Authority for the purpose of delivering courses including research programmes in the permissible subject areas, that are duly accredited under the relevant framework in their respective home jurisdiction, and is registered with the Authority
2.Permissible Subject Areas
Courses including research programmes in Financial Management, FinTech, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics shall be permitted in GIFT IFSC
3.Eligibility criteria
(1) In case the Applicant is a Foreign University, it should have secured a position within Top 500in global overall ranking and / or subject ranking in the latest QS World Universities ranking.
(2) In the case of Foreign Educational Institution, the Applicant should be a reputed Institution in its home jurisdiction.
(3) The Applicant shall satisfy the Authority about its financial capability to establish and ensure the continuity of the proposed activities in GIFT IFSC.
(4) The Applicant shall undertake to put in place suitable infrastructure and facilities to
4.Application for Registration
(1) An Applicant satisfying the eligibility conditions specified in these regulations, shall apply to the Authority, in the specified format, for the grant of registration to conduct the courses including research programmes or/and executive education programmes. in the permissible subject areas.
(2) An Application shall be accompanied by
a) resolution passed by the Applicant‟s Board of Trustees, Senate or other Governing Body, by whatever name called, resolving establishment of IBC or OEC;
b) details regarding infrastructural facilities, facilities available for instruction, faculty, prescribed fee, academic plan, courses, curricula and requisite funds to operate for a
minimum period of five years, along with other relevant details as may be specified;
c) details of the alternative arrangements for students in the event of discontinuation of the course or program for any reason;
d) an undertaking by the Applicant declaring that the degrees, diplomas or certificates issued to the students in the GIFT IFSC shall be recognized in the home jurisdiction of the Parent Entity and shall be treated equivalent to the corresponding degrees, diplomas or certificates awarded or issued, as the case may be, by the Parent Entity in its home jurisdiction; and
e) the latest Quality Assurance Audit report from a recognized Quality Assurance Agency in the home jurisdiction of the Applicant.